Terms of use & return

Return conditions

Digital products cannot be returned or cancelled. Purchases from the online store are binding.

Consumer Protection Act 38/1978
Chapter 6 - Home sales and distance sales
§ 16 Limitations of the right of cancellation

Terms of use and delivery

Valid from March 13, 2023 until further notice.


VillaUnelmia Mirja Heikkilä is a marketplace maintained and owned by Mirja Heikkilä TMI (hereinafter "VillaUnelmia"). These terms and conditions apply in the business relationship between VillaUnelmia and its customers, which is created via the villaUnelmia.fi online store.

VillaUnelmi has the right to update these terms and conditions without prior notice. Orders are subject to the contract terms valid at the time of order, which can be read on this page.

VillaUnelmia is not responsible for damage caused by force majeure. A force majeure is considered to be an unforeseen circumstance or a change in circumstances that is beyond VillaUnelmia's influence. VillaDreams is obliged to notify the customer of a force majeure without delay.


VillaUnelmia welcomes all private and business customers. In the business relationship, applicable Finnish and EU legislation is followed in terms of consumer trade, marketing and advertising. In the sales agreement between corporate customers and VillaUnelmia, these terms and conditions and the Finnish commercial law are followed primarily.

When placing an order, the customer is obliged to provide their complete contact information, which includes at least the consumer customer's name, address and telephone number, as well as an e-mail address. The information required from business customers is the contact person's name, phone number and email as well as social security number, postal address, phone number and, if necessary, billing address.

The customers' information is stored in the VillaUnelmia customer register, where the information is used to maintain the customer relationship. VillaUnelmi has the right to process and hand over the information in the register for justified purposes.

The villaunelmia.fi and https://villaunelmia.myshopify.com sites use cookies, which can be used to further develop the site to be more user-friendly than before. wool dreams .fi - site, the purpose of cookies is to facilitate, improve and speed up the shopping experience. Cookies can also be used to offer better offers and more personalized product recommendations to the customer. A cookie is a small text file that villaunelmia .fi and the https://villaunelmia.myshopify.com web server saves on the user's hard drive. Part of woolen dreams .fi The content of the website and https://villaunelmia.myshopify.com may require the acceptance of cookies in order to function. The user's web browser probably accepts cookies with ready-made default settings, but the user can also prevent the use of cookies from the browser settings or by deleting cookies from the browser after using the service. More information about browser-specific usage can be found in the browser manufacturer's instructions.


VillaUnelmia and the content of VillaUnelmia 's products are protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. You may not copy, modify, distribute or otherwise exploit under copyright or exclusive rights

material available at VillaUnelmi , unless you have received the express consent of the rights holders. All trademarks, brands and business names are the property of their respective owners and their unauthorized use is prohibited.

The ownership, copyright, trademark and all other intellectual property rights of the material contained in VillaUnelmia or sent to VillaUnelmia users belong to VillaUnelmi (Mirja Heikkilä TMI), unless otherwise stated. Borrowing, copying, saving, modifying, modifying, transferring, handing over, or otherwise exploiting or exploiting the material or part of it, even in part, without the prior written permission of VillaUnelmi is strictly prohibited.

Handing over the instructions for sale at VillaUnelmi to others or publishing and sharing them in any electronic or other media is strictly prohibited. A user acting in violation of this agreement is fully responsible for the damages caused to VillaUnelm by copyright infringement.

VillaUnelmia does not sell products for resale. The products on sale are only intended for use by the buyer. Products purchased at VillaUnelmi may not be shared or resold.


Although VillaUnelmia tries its best to ensure and test the functionality and up-to-date information of the online store and its products for sale in the online store, VillaUnelmia is still not responsible for their possible errors, inaccuracies or limitations. VillaUnelmia does not guarantee and is not responsible that the user's connection would work as expected or that the services, applications or websites of third parties would always or without interruption be available.

The user is responsible for having the devices, programs and systems required to use VillaUnelmia and for appropriate data security, such as terminals, browsers and connections, including telecommunication connections.

VillaUnelmia does not guarantee that villaunelmia.fi and the https://villaunelmia.myshopify.com online store or the products sold in the online store can be used with the user's devices, programs, systems or subscriptions.


VillaUnelmia does not sell products for resale. The products on sale are only intended for use by the buyer. Products purchased from VillaUnelmi may not be shared or resold. Variations of our products are also prohibited.

VillaUnelmia sells products according to the age limits set by law. By ordering the product and accepting the terms of delivery, the customer confirms that he has the right to order the product in question.


All products downloaded from VillaUnelmi are delivered automatically via an email link after the payment transaction. Some VillaUnelmia products may require third-party applications or programs to function.


In our online store, you can pay with the most common bank and credit cards. Shopify acts as an intermediary for card payments.


Digital products cannot be returned or cancelled. Purchases from our online store are binding. Consumer Protection Act; Home and distance sales Section 14 (30.12.2013/1211) and Section 16 (30.12.2013/1211).



Mirja Heikkilä

Hiirisuontie 5A2

02970 Espoo

Contact person in matters concerning the register

Mirja Heikkilä

phone +358 405679178


Registry name

Mirja Heikkilä TMI marketing register

Purpose of personal data processing

The personal data of the register is used in accordance with the Personal Data Act for communication, maintenance, management, development, customer service, implementation of services, marketing of products and services and their implementation. The information is also used to develop Mirja Heikkilä's business operations and websites.

Data content of the register

For individuals, first name, last name, phone number, e-mail, address and hometown. For companies, the contact person's last name, first name, title, company name, work phone number, email address, company postal address and Y ID number, as well as other information collected with the data subject's consent.

Regular sources of information

The information is obtained from the person himself in connection with customer meetings, e-mail communication, marketing raffles or subscription to the newsletter. Adding to the marketing register requires personal consent.

Regular transfers of information

The company hands over the registered person's information regarding invoicing and payment information to Holvi for customer invoicing. The company hands over the registered email address to the Pixieset Media Inc photo gallery service in a password protected manner. Both Holvi and Pixieset are committed to complying with the requirements of the data protection regulation. Read more: https://support.holvi.com/hc/fi/articles/360000899889-Privacy policy, https://pixieset.com/privacy/

As a general rule, information is not disclosed outside the company Villaunelmia/Mirja Heikkilä TMI. Information can be published to the extent that has been separately agreed with the customer.

Duration of processing

Customer register data is only stored for as long as it is appropriate and personal data is not stored longer than is necessary, taking into account the purpose of personal data processing.

Principles of registry protection

Digitally stored information. The information contained in the register is treated confidentially. Only those persons employed by the registrar who need information in their duties have the right to use the register. The data is protected with a personal username and password.

Any written information is kept in the locked premises of the registrar.